How Quantum Computers Break The Internet… Starting Now

This video of Veritasium, one of my favorite YouTubers, explains why the next jump in computing speeds will be done by qubits instead of bits. To understand how a quantum computer works, you need to understand how a qubit works differently from a regular computer bit.

A bit is the basic unit of information used in classical computing. It is a binary digit that can take on one of two values: 0 or 1. In computing, bits are used to represent and manipulate data and instructions.

In contrast, a qubit is a quantum mechanical system that can represent a superposition of both 0 and 1 at the same time, as well as other states in between. This is due to a quantum property known as superposition, which allows qubits to exist in multiple states simultaneously. Additionally, qubits can also exhibit entanglement, a quantum mechanical phenomenon where the state of one qubit can be dependent on the state of another qubit, even if they are physically separated.

The behavior of qubits is fundamentally different from that of classical bits, which can only take on one of two possible states at a time. This difference allows quantum computers to perform certain types of calculations much faster than classical computers, because they can process multiple possibilities at once.


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